Eclipse Jetty 12

This is the main documentation page for the Eclipse Jetty Project.

Jetty provides a highly scalable and memory-efficient web server and Servlet container, supporting web protocols such as HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and WebSocket. Furthermore, Jetty offers integrations with many other technologies, such as OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS, CDI, etc. and with the relevant Jakarta EE technologies.

Jetty is open source and are freely available for commercial use and distribution under either the Eclipse Public License v2 or the Apache License v2.

Jetty can either be used as a standalone server to deploy web applications, or as a library that can be used in your code as a dependency.

Table 1. Jetty Versions and Compatibilities
Jetty Version Required Java Version Jakarta EE Version Status

Jetty 12.1.x

Java 17

Jakarta EE11, EE10, EE9, EE8


Jetty 12.0.x

Java 17

Jakarta EE10, EE9, EE8


Jetty 11.0.x

Java 11

Jakarta EE9

EOL (see #10485)

Jetty 10.0.x

Java 11

Jakarta EE8

EOL (see #10485)

Jetty 9.4.x

Java 8

Jakarta EE7

EOL (see #7958)

Operations Guide

The Operations Guide targets sysops, devops, and developers who want to install Jetty as a standalone server to deploy web applications.

Programming Guide

The Programming Guide targets developers who want to use the Jetty libraries in their applications, and advanced sysops/devops that want to customize the deployment of web applications.